Friends of St James Cathedral


Broad Aim;

A large, diverse, interactive, open-membership community supporting the life, worship and ministry of St James' Cathedral in the diocese of North Queensland and beyond.

To glorify God through our support of the life, worship and ministry of the Cathedral and to preserve it as both a living scared place and as a community centre.

    • Promote an interest in and a sense of ownership of the Cathedral within the Townsville and wider community. A shared sense of commitment to the Cathedral would unite current and past worshippers, parishioners from other Anglican parishes, community members and occasional visitors.
    • Encourage greater use of the Cathedral for community events- art, music, forums so that it might become a focus for Community life.
    • Bring together people who love the Cathedral and who would be prepared to be "on-duty" for periods of time, so that the building can be opened to the public more often.
    • Provide a welcome to tourists, city workers and casual visitors who may be seeking reflection, or live-streaming of a loved one’s funeral, within a sacred space.
    • Participate in fund raising that will help to preserve (maintain) the Cathedral into the future.
    • To promote membership of the group by participating in enjoyable activities.

Office Bearers

Chair: Rev. Shirley Thomson

Co-Chair: Trish Whitrow

Co-Ordinator of Art and Craft Exhibition: Canon Mary Gallagher

Secretary: Elizabeth Robinson

Treasurer: Leigh Kennedy

Become a member

Make a difference! Become a Member. Everyone is welcome to join.


Membership Fees: 

Ordinary Membership $30,

Family $40,

Corporate $250,

Life $500,

Concession (Student/Pensioner) $20,

Remote $20.

For Direct Transfer: Friends of St James’ Cathedral

BSB 034222 Account 302413 

Membership Application
This can be printed off or just email the details to
Application_Friends_St_James (1).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 186.7 KB

The Art and Craft Exhibition, is the main annual fund raiser




Any enquiries, please send to We would love to hear from you.