A large, diverse, interactive, open-membership community supporting the life, worship and ministry of St James' Cathedral in the diocese of North Queensland and beyond.
To glorify God through our support of the life, worship and ministry of the Cathedral and to preserve it as both a living scared place and as a community centre.
Chair: Rev. Shirley Thomson
Co-Chair: Trish Whitrow
Co-Ordinator of Art and Craft Exhibition: Canon Mary Gallagher
Secretary: Elizabeth Robinson
Treasurer: Leigh Kennedy
Make a difference! Become a Member. Everyone is welcome to join.
Membership Fees:
Ordinary Membership $30,
Family $40,
Corporate $250,
Life $500,
Concession (Student/Pensioner) $20,
Remote $20.
For Direct Transfer: Friends of St James’ Cathedral
BSB 034222 Account 302413
Any enquiries, please send to stjamescathedral@hotmail.com We would love to hear from you.
36 Cleveland Terrace, Townsville
PO Box 108
Townsville, Qld, 4810
Telephone: 0423 833 451
E-mail: stjamescathedral@hotmail.com
Or contact the Dean,
The Very Reverend
Dr Kenneth Lay
0422 148 952 or kenneth700@gmail.com.
For donations to St James Cathedral or to the Mission of the Month (please name Mission)
Account Name: Church Wardens of St James Cathedral General Account
BSB: 034 222
Account Number: 250713