North Queensland 2D and 3D artists are invited to submit work
Commission on sales is 25%
An Entry fee of $10.00 PER ARTIST is payable, by bank transfer, when submitting Entry Form Friends of St James’ Cathedral
BSB 034222 Account 302413
Reference: Your Name
2. People's Choice Award $100
Entry forms will be available from this page after June 20th.
Entries close on July 20th
If required printed ones can be obtained
1. Type of Artwork accepted
a) 2D Artwork ie representations on a flat surface like paper, canvas, board or cloth with a maximum 4 m in perimeter including frame (limit 3, ready for hanging, fitted with D hooks and wire.)
b) 2D Miniatures: maximum 30 x 20 cm including frame (limit 5, ready for hanging, fitted with D hooks and wire.)
c) 3D Art ie jewellery, pottery, sculpture, textiles, woodwork- each piece priced and named, area equivalent to one card table per person
d) cards individually priced
2. The Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any artwork submitted.
3. Works entered should not have been exhibited in any previous Friends of St James’ Cathedral exhibition.
4. All due care will be taken, however, exhibitors display at their own risk and are advised to arrange their own insurance.
5. Exhibitors are requested to help with security and sales.
Further enquires phone Exhibition Co-Ordinator Mary Gallagher 47799074 or 0448557962
36 Cleveland Terrace, Townsville
PO Box 108
Townsville, Qld, 4810
Telephone: 0423 833 451
Or contact the Dean,
The Very Reverend
Dr Kenneth Lay
0422 148 952 or
For donations to St James Cathedral or to the Mission of the Month (please name Mission)
Account Name: Church Wardens of St James Cathedral General Account
BSB: 034 222
Account Number: 250713